to have crossed paths with shared laughs,ideas, energies, sounds, flavors, cookies, beer, vibrations, dances, smoke, liquor, late night fires,
joy rides, rain and blankets this is for YOU...........

As i listen to the steady pounding of rain
i feel like I am awake during a dream
wetness upon my window of pain
loud as a whisper, soft as a scream
Having crossed a path with such a vibrant soul
smile warm as spring
warm as a blanket, inside of cold
Rain drips down the rooftops of time
thinking of all the kindred spirits
who I've encountered
who have places in my heart
and connected in mind
Teardrops fall on dry paper
of the letter i never wrote
I close my eyes tightly
Ride my breath on the breeze holding tight to the rope
Flashes of photos never taken and trips I've never took
Sweet sweet precious life
so many things being overlooked
Laughter I've had the pleasure of hearing
I hold so dear to my heart
Kindness I has been most enduring
Clever Characters, full of life, so smart
My eyes stare down the tunnel of a collection of universal gifts I've taken for granted
A pocket full of smiles
Getting caught up in this rut we call life, sometimes crooked,sometimes slanted
Scooping up the dust
I blow out kisses with my hands
Kisses coated with gratitude
Sending love to every person I never told
Right from where I stand
a celestial symphony echos down the hallways of my mind
the universe speaks the truth
listen carefully
whatever you need
you shall find